Monday, September 29, 2008

Muddled Transcriptions of a Murky Mind.

Greetings, reader. If you were wondering what may have caused me to assume the role of active blogger, I'd have to give you a multi-faceted answer:

First, I want you to think I'm smart. I am constantly and irreparably, subconsciously in the pursuit of being perceived as smart. This might be one of my least favorite things about myself. I don't know where this originated, or from whom I inherited it, but this desire is innate in me, as strongly as my needs to eat, breathe, drink, and sleep. Coupled with my silver-tongued ability to present myself well verbally, I figured this would be the proverbial equivalent of me playing my cards wisely. Since the blogosphere has become the waxing-point for nearly all intellectual minds, I decided to make my attempt at hopping on this oddly inclusive and accessible bandwagon.

Second, I'm 1/4 Italian. For those of you who have ever interacted with an Italian, you probably observed that even for those of us whose offspring will represent diminishing italio-genetic returns in an increasingly racially unaware culture still believe that we are entitled to pronounce our opinion on everything, even if we are remotely or not at all involved. I'll try to stick to topics I have a stake in, All I ask of you is to kindly remember that I am genetically predisposed to stray from time to time... consider this a fair warning.

Third, Writing is cheaper than therapy. I am an extrovert with several introverted tendencies. Sometimes when the stew cooks too long the vegetables get mushy. With a desire to irradicate mushy thoughts from my mind, I hereby solemnly swear that I will attempt to transcribe my thoughts before they become indiscernible and distorted, confusing everyone including myself. I'll keep my thoughts on the vine until they're as matured as they're going to get, and then attempt to purvey them to you before they start attracting fruit-flies.

Fourth, and finally, I'm a student of history - Why wouldn't I want to leave a library of primary documents for my future biographers? In this day and age, you never know what the academic will study next. Should I stumble upon greatness between now and death, thus necessitating mention in some history's survey, or less gloriously, should some psychology grad student choose to write their dissertation on "Young Adults exhibiting self-agrandizing behavior utilizing emergent technologies in the 21st Century," I will have contributed either to making my life more accessible for my future biographers, or merely presented myself as a moderately interesting case-study.

I hope I find some level of satisfaction in addressing these four goals of mine. If not, you'll likely hear less and less from me on this medium until it becomes yet another abandoned corridor in the vast housing of the world wide web.